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How Much Does It Cost To Get Facial Hair Transplant?

It comes as no surprise that facial hair is important for all of us. For women, eyelash and eyebrow hair are important while men hold bared and mustache hair dear. Through hard work of hair restoration experts, it has become possible to naturally grow facial hair. Mean to say, you can grow naturally if you have lost eyelash, eyebrow, mustache, or bread hair due to any reason. Some people have bald spots in mustache and this issue can be fixed using a mustache hair transplant in Dubai. This article discusses how much facial hair transplant costs.

If you want to regrow hair the natural way, this topic is for you.

How Does Facial Hair Transplant Work? 

Just like scalp hair transplant, facial hair transplant can deliver natural-looking and long-lasting results. Mean to say, hair from one area are first extracted and then implanted in the facial area.

What is Mustache Hair Transplant?

A mustache hair transplant works the same way as the scalp hair transplant. FUE (follicular unit extraction) technique is normally used to grow hair on this mustache area.

In the first phase, hair from the back side of the scalp is extracted followed by the transplant in the mustache area. Please contact a provider if you want to know the cost of mustache hair transplant in Dubai.

Consult a Professional for Details

Now you know how hair regrowth is possible through mustache hair transplant in Dubai. If you want to improve your mustache hair volume, this is your chance to get the mustache of your choice. You might have questions about this procedure and you should not just rely on the online content. Contact the nearest hair restoration surgeon with a list of questions and know more about it.  


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